
6 Ways Education can Ensure a Better Life

By admin / 5 June, 2020

The human race has managed to survive some major extinctions and innumerable disasters. This was possible for our cognitive abilities summed up with our tendency to imagine, create and spread knowledge was a unique advantage. While we become a global population of 9 billion and limited resources in hand, its only knowledge that can help us ensure better lives for the future generation. Until now, our education system enabled us to gather knowledge in a systematic manner. But in more recent times, with tremendous technological advancements and social awareness, education has no more remained the luxury of the elites. Let us dive into the micro-level of families and individual for a clear perspective about how education can impact the lives of individuals and living standards of the society with a multiplier effect.  


1.    Education spreads awareness

Education has made us aware of social evils since time immemorial. Be it the revolutionaries or freedom fighters of the Indian National Movement or the apartheid struggle in Africa, the leaders could never undermine the impact education can have. Lately, the women empowerment movements, combating racial discrimination, ensuring security to minorities are the issues the global order is trying to achieve, are all possible only because of a well-educated civil society.

2.    Empowers Progress

It is education that empowers an innovative and curious mind to pace-up with the ever-growing technological advancements. Education should be considered beyond our classic education system, as a pre-requisite for inventions and a tool for development of just and progressive laws.

3.    Eliminate Poverty

More than 700 million people live in extreme poverty, with their physiological needs of food, clean water remaining unfulfilled. If there exists any tool that can lift them out of such misery, it has to be education.

4.    Enabling a global citizen

Education, digitization, data science and related technologies are boosting the connectivity of people across boundaries and fields with unprecedented speed. These are the times when education has become a survival instrument. A continuous process of development taking along empathy for the upcoming generations is possible with an educated and aware society of people.

5.    Ensures Welfare State

While achieving a welfare state in humankind is a dream, the means to achieve the goal is education. Enhancing economic development, education will empower the governments and world leaders to move a step ahead in the direction of making their respective countries a welfare state.

6.     Enables Empowerment of Marginalized population

There are innumerable examples of upliftment of backward classes, women, scheduled castes, and scheduled tribes due to one educated individual connecting the secluded and marginalized sections of society to development and knowledge.

We can ensure a modest and content life by training our minds consistently and rigorously through education. The human mind has unsurpassable capabilities of which hundreds still remain a mystery. It is with the education that we can learn to tame these superpowers to our favour and make the world a better place to live in. 

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